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Cotoneaster, Lucidus (25 per bundle)

Cotoneaster, Lucidus (25 per bundle)

Regular price $56.75 USD
Regular price Sale price $56.75 USD
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Cotoneaster lucidus


Size Light Hardiness
 6′-10′  Sun  All Zones
# Per Bundle Bundle Type Size
25 Seedling (S) 12″-18″
25 Seedling (S) 18″-24″

Common name: 
Hedge Cotoneaster

Broadleaf deciduous shrub, erect, 6-10 ft (~2-3 m) high, somewhat less in width, round-topped, spreading branches.  Leaves alternate, simple, elliptic-ovate to oblong-ovate, 2-7 cm long, shiny green and glabrous (without hairs) above, pubescent below, especially on veins, then glabrous, fall color yellow to red; petiole 2-5 mm long.  Flowers pinkish, small, 3-8 per cluster (cyme), blooms in late spring.  Fruit subglobose to obovoid, 8-10 mm long, black, with 3-4 nutlets; persisting into winter.

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